Month: December 2011

  • Three Great Female Voices from France

    Listening to music is one of the best ways to improve your language skills. There’s so much good stuff out there! Don’t know where to start? Here are some recommendations — three great female voices from France.

  • Smoking in France

    “Dieu est un fumeur de Havane” (God is a Havane smoker) used to sing provocative musician Serge Gainsbourg who would ad, “Je suis un fumeur de Gitane” (I am a Gitane smoker) –‘les Gitanes’ being those non-filtered cigarettes that would blacken one’s lungs pretty fast. Despite that, many other French people used to smoke “des…

  • French Strikes

    You are getting ready to go to a country where people didn’t hesitate to cut their beloved king’s head. “Vive la Révolution” (Long live Revolution) they’d chant. What’s left of that historical time? Surely some of its spirit.

  • Dealing with Critters in Taiwan

    Dealing with Critters in Taiwan

    As amazing, beautiful, and entertaining as Taiwan can be, there are of course some less than pleasant issues that travelers may have to deal with that are specific to Taiwan — namely, the animal life.

  • Top Tips for Saving Money in Paris

    Like most big cities, Paris isn’t cheap! In fact, it’s one of the most expensive cities in the world to live in. So how can you save money during your trip to France? Just follow these top money saving tips!

  • How to Get Around in France

    How to Get Around in France

    You’re going to France! Plane tickets are purchased, hotel is booked, and you’ve got your 10-page list of things to see in hand. But how are you going to get around France (and Europe) once you get there?

  • 14 Taiwan Food Vocab Words

    Taiwan is full of delicious food (just take one look at this video and you’ll never doubt that again), but if you don’t speak Chinese, you could be in danger of never getting a taste! So here are some useful words to start you off…the essential guide to reading menus in Taiwan.